The first scary movie I saw was Mars Attacks. I don't remember exactly how old I was... It was when I was still living in Silver Spring, MD. I was probably 6 or 7? But because of this pathetic excuse of a movie, I couldn't go upstairs at night by myself for years. Whenever my mom forced me to fetch her something from upstairs, I always ran to fetch it and flew downstairs screaming "MMMOOOOMMMYYY!!!!" at the top of my lungs. I was that scared.
By the time I started the 5th grade, I was all into the "hottest" fads. Yes, there were fads in elementary school. I remember that the punk rock thing was BIG back then. I was in love with all color combinations that involved black and listened to Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, New Found Glory, and Ataris. Oh, and I loved the Nightmare Before Christmas.
I used to be the biggest Nightmare Before Christmas fan. Seriously. I had all the songs memorized. I could even do the voices. As a matter of fact, I think I can still sing This is Halloween and Kidnap the Sandy Claws perfectly.

Around this time, I bought the book Coraline by Neil Gaiman. I didn't particularly like the story, but I pretended to... because everyone else in my elementary school class did. I thought that it was a really weird story. But that didn't stop me participating in the next elementary school fad: watching horror movies.
At my 6th grade birthday party, my friends and I rented The Ring and were so scared that we had to go and watch Cinderella 2 with my little sister. I was traumatized. A couple of years later, I watched The Grudge. The minute I stepped out of the theater, I swore that I'd never see another horror movie again.
Do you know HOW badly those two movies affected me? I can't wash my face at night without being scared. It's been like this for years. Every time I close my eyes to lather up the soap, to splash water on my face, all I can think of is looking up, opening my eyes, and seeing some scary scary scary person/thing behind me in the mirror. Call me crazy, but that was what two horror movies did to me. And that is why I hate horror movies, why I hate anything remotely scary.
Of course, there are those times when I'm naively watching a fun movie on TV and a trailer for a horror movie pops up and I get a three second glimpse of blood/long hair girls/screaming people. But instances like those are few... and I've stopped watching MTV since the last time this happened. ;)
Tim Burton's new projects are coming out soon. It seems like a lot of people are really excited to see 9 and his remake of Alice in Wonderland. I won't be going to see either of them. Seeing the trailer for 9 and seeing a few photographs from Alice in Wonderland has been enough for me.
So... if you're thinking about inviting me to watch either of those movies, find someone else. If you're dead set on taking me (I'm the BEST movie partner ever btw!!!), choose a movie like Harry Potter (hinthint) and I'll be happy!
Whew~ that was a looong post. Sorry you had to read through all my ranting! Love you all!