
The semester is already halfway over! I can't believe that I've already been here at Bryn Mawr for months. ♥

I love... frozen blueberrys.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


It's been too long since I've updated.

To be honest, I've been super... lazy? Unmotivated? Bum-like? You name it.

I've been working on my CSEM essay on "the unconscious" and I just finished. It's 3 AM now... and I don't know why, but I'm not tired. That's not to say that I'm fully awake, either. I kind of feel my brain is stuck in this huge vat of gooey marshmallow... I feel like a really really really stupid rock - if rocks can feel stupid.

I just googled "marshmallow" and I saw this (-->). I mean, I don't feel like a giant marshmallow monster (I said my BRAIN felt like it was STUCK in marshmallow). But that is one scary marshmallow monster. I think it's from Ghostbusters.

*shudder* That marshmallow monster is tied for 1st place with the Mars Attack alien picture (check my former post on Scary Things) on my list of "Scary-But-Not-Really-Scary" things.

Okay. OBVIOUSLY, I'm going into crazy, ramble-mode. I need to force myself to go to sleep...

I'll try and update later today. I promise.

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